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Registration & Lineage Documentation

Biewer Yorkie Registry in the U.S.

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w/ Pedigrees

The Biewer Yorkie Association was created to give Biewer Yorkie Breeders the opportunity to register and track their genetics through an independent, professionally run Biewer Registry.

BYA is a registry service only.  We leave the business end of a transaction to the buyer and seller.   BYA's goal is to provide seamless registration services to the many honest, ethical and moral Biewer breeders in the industry today.


1.  Biewer Yorkie Registration:

    A.   BYA provides seamless registration services for Biewer Yorkies.

2.  Dual Registration Services:
   A.     BYA provides dual registration services for Biewer Yorkies to be used in an BYA Biewer Yorkie breeding program.

    B.  Only Biewer Yorkies and/or Yorkshire Terriers from approved registries are eligible for dual registration and eligibility will be decided on a case by case basis.

       ii.  Due to great difference in registration polices we do not accept CKC - Continential Kennel Club or CPR - Certified Pet Registry animals for dual registration.

    C.  Dual Registration Forms are available through BYA.

*The Biewer Yorkie Association reserves the right to accept or decline registrations without cause.  All decisions by BYA are final.


3.  Database - Recorded Pedigrees:

Each animal registered with the Biewer Yorkie Association will be recorded in the Pedigree Book.



4.  Documentation:

All required information must be submitted with the application to register animal with the Biewer Yorkie Association.

Certificates of Registration are issued using information provided to the Biewer Yorkie  Association by its clients.  Information utilized from certificates of other registries is accepted at face value and is intended for documentation only.   Neither Biewer Yorkie Association nor it's owners, officers, or agents accept liability nor shall they be answerable in damages for the issuance of any certificate based on inaccurate information furnished by the applicant.  Biewer Yorkie  Association has no obligation or responsibility to independently investigate or determine whether the information provided in any application for registration or transfer is correct.  

A.  Transfer of Ownership:

Transfers can be submitted by either the buyer or seller.

Transfer of Ownership form should be completed, signed and dated by the seller.  

The original Registration Certificate with a complete transfer and appropriate fees must be sent to Biewer Yorkie Association.

B.  Responsibility:

All contracts, agreements and verification are between buyer and seller.  Biewer Yorkie  Association is a pedigree tracking and registry service only.   Responsibility for documentation of each transaction, or procedure (*natural breeding, artificial insemination, semen transactions and transfer, etc.) remains with the parties involved.  All agreements made are strictly between those parties.  Biewer Yorkie  Association is not responsible for determining the validity of any claims or outcome of any grievances.  

    i.  It is the Seller and/or Breeder Responsibility to transfer all Litter Papers/Canine Registration Applications over to the new owner of every puppy/dog they were issued for without additional charge or restrictions.
Sellers and/or Breeders are subject to Suspensions and/or Bans for charging extra for papers or restricting the use of papers.


5.  Identification:   Microchip:

All animals are required to be permanently identified by the use of an inserted microchip.  


6.  Naming of Animals:

The owner of an animal at the time of registration has the right to name it.

    A.  An acceptable name is required for registration.

       ii.  Certain words and/or phrases are not allowed for use in the naming of dogs.  Included but not limited to - God, Champion, certain Curse Words, Obscenity, etc.

       iii.  Certain Kennel Names are not allowed to be used in the naming of a dog without the Kennel Owners Permission.  

Biewer Yorkie Association reserves the right to accept or decline any name submitted for registration.  BYA furthermore reserves the right to name an animal submitted without an acceptable name, add to or remove words or numbers within a name.  

Biewer Yorkie Association is not liable or responsible for names used that others may lay claim to.



Forms for all BYA transactions are available for download on the company website or by contacting the registrar's office.


 A.  User Application:

All persons wishing to register litters with BYA will be given a "Breeder Number".   The registrar will assign an individual  "User" Breeder Number which is to be used on all paperwork submitted.  The Biewer Yorkie Association reserves the right to accept or decline Users without cause.


B.  Animal Registration Application:

This form is used when applying for a Certificate of Registration for an animal.   The new owner's information is to be filled out in it's entirety whether being registered by the breeder or a new owner.  

C.  Dual Registration:

Use this form to transfer registered Biewer Yorkie or Yorkshire Terriers from another acceptable dog registry.    Copies of the dogs original registration certificate from the other registry must accompany the application as well as a Complete 4 Generation (*dog, parents, grandparents and great grandparents) Pedigree complete with Names, Colors and Registration Numbers.  

Appropriate fees must accompany the documents.

Biewer Yorkie Association reserves the right to accept or decline any dog submitted for dual registration without cause.  

D.  Litter Registration Application:

Use this form to register an eligible BYA litter produced from 2 BYA registered animals.  

Appropriate fees must accompany the document.

Biewer Yorkie Association reserves the right to accept or decline any litter registration submission without cause.

E.  Transfer Application:

Transfers can be found on the back of the Registration Certificate on new Registration Certificates or a bill of sale may be submitted with older forms which do not have transfers on back of Certificates.  

Appropriate fees must be included with submission.

Biewer Yorkie Association reserves the right to accept or refuse any transfer submitted.  


8.  DNA Requirements:

Biewer Yorkie Association offers DNA data basing in place to secure an accurate pedigree tracking service for breeders who chose to submit DNA.

A.  DNA Genetic Testing:

Biewer Yorkie Association does not require DNA Genetic Testing at this time but offer BYA services to place Genetic Testing Results in the BYA database.

B.  DNA Profile:

Biewer Yorkie Association does not require DNA Profiles or either Sire or Dams but offer the BYA services to place DNA profiles in the BYA database.
DNA profiles will be used to verify parentage of submitted offspring at BYA's discretion.  

    i.  Animals found not to be from 1 or either parent submitted will have it's Certificate of Registration cancelled until which time accurate parentage can be proven.


9.  Breed Standards:
Biewer Yorkie Association will establish breed standards for both the Biewer Yorkie and Yorkshire Terrier.  These Standards will be used to judge the breeding quality of the individual breed.  
Any animal having a disqualifying fault is not eligible for registration.  Any animal registered with a disqualifying fault will have it's Certificate of Registration cancelled/revoked.  


10.  Dog Shows: Hosted - Sanctioned

    A.  Hosted Dog Shows:

Biewer Yorkie Association will host dog shows as they see fit based on interest, time, money and available location.

    B.  Sponsored/Sanctioned Dog Show:
Biewer Yorkie Association is open to Sanctioning an BYA Dog Show for BYA registered Biewer Yorkies and Yorkshire Terriers.
All request for Sanctioned Dog Shows will be reviewed and a decision made on a case by case basis.  Biewer Yorkie Association reserves the right to approve or decline any request without cause.

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics & Procedure Standards

The Biewer Yorkie  Association, hereby known as the BYA,  maintains certain policies to guide the approved breeders of the BYA with respect to standards of conduct expected in areas where improper acts and/or behavior could damage the reputation of both it’s Users and/or the Association itself.

The purpose of this Policy is to affirm, in a comprehensive statement, required standards of conduct and practices with respect to breeding, sales, care of animals, registration, Users and the use of BYA (*Biewer Yorkie Association) name.

A breeders actions under this Policy are significant indications of the individual’s judgement and competence.  As such, those actions constitute an important element in the evaluation of the breeders acceptance to remain a User, in good standing, with the BYA.

Correspondingly, disregard of the principles (*failure to follow) of this Policy will be grounds for appropriate and immediate disciplinary action as seen fit by the BYA Directors.

The BYA will conduct it’s business honestly and ethically.  The BYA will constantly strive to adhere to high standards and ethical business practices.

Employees of the BYA shall not buy or sell securities of a Competitor Company.

Employees or past Employees of the BYA shall not provide any Competitor Company with any information in relation to the BYA, it’s Database or it Users.


The BYA expects all breeders to use only legitimate methods of receiving and/or making payments.
Unethical actions which result in unfavorable outcomes when dealing with others in either receiving and/or making of payments is prohibited.

The BYA does not dictate the method of which a person may receive and/or make payments.

No User of the BYA or affiliated Company acting on the BYA’s behalf shall, in violation of any applicable law, offer or make directly or indirectly through any other person or firm any payment of anything of value (*money, animal, gift or otherwise) to:

*  any person or firm employed by or acting for or on behalf of the BYA or one of it’s User, for the purpose of inducing or rewarding any favorable action by the BYA, a Judge or one of it’s Users.
*  any governmental official, Animal Rights Association, Rescue or Humane Society, for the purpose of inducing punishment to a fellow User  which would reward favorable benefits to a User.

In utilizing consultants, agents, sales representatives or others, the BYA and it’s Users will employ only reputable, qualified individuals or firms under compensation agreements, which are reasonable in relation to the services performed.   Consultants, agents or representatives retained in relation to the provision of goods or services must agree to comply with all laws, regulations and BYA policies governing acceptable conduct.

The provisions of this section are not intended to apply to ordinary and reasonable business transactions not of substantial value, not in violation of law.


The BYA will not make any contribution to any political party or to any candidate for political office out of respect to it’s Users which consist of a variety of Political Parties.

Any employee, User, Buyer or affiliate who is requested to make, authorize or agree to any offer or payment which is or may be, contrary to this Policy will promptly report such information to the BYA.
Upon BYA acquiring information (*for example, newspaper reports,  website content, reports from Users, or statements of individuals involved) that gives the BYA reason to believe that a Employee, Affiliate, User, or other person or firm engaged in conduct forbidden by this policy, the BYA will take appropriate action in a timely manner.


It is the objective of the BYA:

* to comply with all laws of the United States
*  to hold Employees, Affiiates, Users and others personally and strictly accountable for their actions.

*  to allow BYA membership and/or Registration to only those ethical Biewer Yorkie Breeders and/or Biewer Yorkie Owners with register-able BYA Biewer Yorkie who register their Biewer Yorkie and/or Yorkshire Terriers with BYA  and NO OTHER REGISTRY.
*  to allow Inclusion of Biewer Yorkies for breeding purposes to only those Biewer Yorkies believed to be genetically sound and of good quality.

*  to allow inclusion of Biewer Yorkies and/or Yorkshire Terriers for breeding purposes to only those Biewer Yorkie and Yorkshire Terrier Sires and Dams which are deemed breeding quality by the submitting party.
*  to allow inclusion of only Biewer Yorkies and Yorkshire Terriers into the BYA database which have been micro-chipped  and for which the microchip number is included on paperwork.
*  to put in place acceptable procedure standards for Employees, Affiliates, Users and breeders at large.

Discussion and Exchange of Information With Competitors

Communication with a competitor on subjects as to which an understanding with the the competitor would be illegal is strictly forbidden.

No User, Employee or Affiliate shall discuss or give access to any BYA Registrations, Pedigrees or other protected information for any reason to any Competitor of the BYA.

Participation in Trade Associations and Other Meetings with Competitors

A.   No employee,  BYA Judge or BYA User shall attend or remain present :

1.  at any surreptitious meeting of competitors;

2.  at any meeting where there is a discussion by competitors of any subject which is in reference to or believed to be in reference to the BYA.

3.  at any informal meeting of competitor Companies and/or Users or Individuals of a trade association held for the purpose of discussing business matters without observing the formal procedural requirements established by trade associations and the Roberts Rules of Order  for business meetings.

B.   Any Employee, BYA Judge, and/or BYA User planning to attend or participate in any Competitors Functions, for any reason, should receive prior approval from BYA.

C.   Any Employee, BYA Judge and/or BYA User found to of engaged in a Competitors Meeting, furnished Registration Information or Pedigrees found in the BYA database, or engaged in any type of discussions with Competitors in regards to the Biewer Yorkie will be subject to immediate suspension and/or life-time ban from the BYA as well as legal repercussions.


The BYA has set in place the highest procedure standards in the industry for it’s Employees, Affiliates and Users for both the way they conduct business and for the matter in which they treat their animals.

A.  All animals in Employee, Affiliate or Users possession shall:

1.  Be fed an adequate amount of food daily.

2.  Have 24/7 access to an acceptable clean source of water.

3.  Be housed appropriately for their Environment.

4.  Be housed in a clean environment.

5.  Have appropriate Medical Attention and/or Vaccinations as needed and/or required.

B.  All Biewer Yorkies and/or Yorkshire Terriers in BYA Users possession shall:

1.  Be registered with BYA.  (*NO OTHER REGISTRY AFFILIATION)

2.  All Biewer Yorkies being used for breeding purposes be 'genetically sound' to the best of the breeders knowledge.

3.  All Biewer Yorkie and Yorkshire Terrier Sires being used for breeding have a microchip number on file with BYA.

4.  All Biewer Yorkie and Yorkshire Terrier dams registering a litter have a  microchip number on file with BYA.

C.   No Employee, Affiliate or User is to release any Biewer Yorkie or Yorkshire Terrier to any Animal Rescue, Humane Society or Placement Service other than the approved Established Rescue set up by the ACR known as “Time Counts Rescue”.


E.  All Users are to treat buyers in a fair manner:

1.  Provide ALL buyers with BYA Registration Papers at time of Puppy Possession change.  (*ALL BYA papers  issued are FULL registration).

A Sellers may place limits of sale based on a signed contract.  It is however the responsibility of the Seller to enforce the contract.   BYA does not enforce Contract between Buyer and Seller.  All  BYA Certificates are issued as 'unrestricted' registration.

F.  Users are to NEVER advertise a litter as BYA register-able without having ALREADY applied for Litter Papers on said Pup.

G.  ALL Users shall:

1.  Guarantee the known Tested Genetic Health of Pups/Dogs they sell/place.
2.  Give a minimum guarantee of 72 hours on pups health for Parvo and Distemper.
3.  Be willing to take back any animal they’ve sold/placed which would not compromise the health or well being of their current animals.  Compensation is not required.
4.  Ship/Deliver all healthy animals within a reasonable amount of time but no more than 4 weeks after full payment has been received by buyer or no later than 10 weeks of age for those pups spoken for and paid for in full prior to 8 weeks of age unless an agreement has been reached by both Buyer and Seller.

5.   Replace puppies or Refund Money as agreed upon by contract in a timely manner.
6.  Register their Biewer Yorkies only with BYA.   Use of any other competitive registry will be reason for suspension and/or life-time ban of User.
7.  Guard their Registration Papers and Pedigrees so as to protect them from being included in a competitive registry database.

8.  Use and accept  only appropriate, acceptable and legal methods of payment in association with BYA and their puppy buyers.

9.  Respond to the given Registry in a respectful  manner and supply requested paperwork within the time period requested.  Failure to do so may result in suspension or ban.

10.   Not have been convicted of an Animal Abuse or Neglect Charge by law enforcement.

11.  Not knowingly support a Unethical breeder or one of reasonably unacceptable reputation.

H.  BYA  shall:

1.  Process all paperwork in a timely manner,

2.  Enforce all rules, policies and standards to the best of their ability.

3.  Investigate all complaints and take appropriate action.

While BYA may step in to assist buyers and/or sellers from time to time it is not the Policy of any of the registries to do so.  BYA  Policy is to advise the Buyer to make “WISE CHOICES” when purchasing.  THE BYA  have some of the strongest policies in place of any Registry in which to regulate the Moral and Ethical Character of their Users/Breeders.
The BYA will take every action necessary to protect the Biewer Yorkie Breed, The Biewer Yorkie Database and  the reputation of the Biewer Yorkie Association.

Copyright © 2003 Biewer Yorkie Association - All Rights Reserved